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Clinic Hours

Sunday   9:30 - 12 (alternate)

Monday  9:30 - 3:30 (alternate)

Tuesday  2 - 4:30

Wednesday  12 - 7

Thursday  12 - 7

Friday  9:30 - 3:30 (alternate)

Saturday  9:30 - 1:30 (alternate)

*Can't find a time that works? Give me a call and I will see what I can do!


Massage Therapy Fees

Initial Massage Therapy Appointment - 60 minutes -$135.00 must call to book an initial appointment.

*accepting new patients by referral only. Please call to book your initial appointment.

Subsequent appointments:

30 minute Massage Therapy appointment - $95.00

45 minute Massage Therapy appointment - $112.00

60 minute Massage Therapy appointment - $135.00

90 minute Massage Therapy appointment - $180.00

60 minute Indie Head Massage - $150.00

Reiki Treatments coming soon!

*Prices include HST

** Receipts will be issued for your Extended Health Benefit Plan reimbursement

Late Arrivals~ if you are late for your appointment, you will be charged the full appointment fee and treated for the length of time remaining.

Missed Appointments ~ If you are unable to keep your appointment 24 hrs notice is required to cancel or reschedule. Failure to give required notice will result in the full appointment fee charged. Please note that Insurance Benefits do not cover missed appointments.


While I happily accept all major credit cards and don't charge a fee to use them, I would much prefer e-transfer if that is available to you.